The approved NATS 2017-2020 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is available by clicking here
The current project list/budget (efile) is available by clicking here
Amendment Policy (New June 2017)
The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is the agreed upon list of federal and state funded transportation projects within NATS. Under federal law the TIP document must list all transportation projects that intend to use federal funds, along with all non-federally funded projects that are regionally significant. This includes Road, transit, and non-motorized projects which provide for the maintenance and improvement of travel throughout the region for all residents in the NATS area.
Between 2017 and 2020, NATS is estimated to receive $518,608 in Surface Transportation Improvement Block Grant (STBG) funds per year. This is the largest block of funds that NATS receives to do road improvement projects such as resurfacing and reconstruction. STBG funds may also be spent on pedestrian, bicycle, transit infrastructure and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) improvements as well as certain streetscape projects. The projects must be on a federal-aid eligible road as shown on this map for Berrien County : A similar map is available for Cass County: A full list of eligible activities is available here:
In addition, dedicated public transit funds and other funding sources will be programmed through this process. The Michigan Department of Transportation will also be using its own funds to program projects on the routes that it owns.
I am a citizen who is interested in transportation. What can I do to participate in this important process?
We welcome you to attend the and participate in the NATS monthly meetings. A week before each meeting we post an agenda with all proposed amendments to the TIP. You are encouraged to ask questions and make comments on these amendments as well as attend meeting to speak to the MPO committees about transportation issues.
please direct questions and comments to Brandon Kovnat at
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